Test 12 – No-Prep
Having the ability to quickly summon your nervous system and perform a relatively heavy deadlift, squat, or press without significant preparation is not only a great way to expose areas of inflammation or weakness, but it shows movement competency that any well-trained athlete should be capable of.
Perform any lift any time, even under semi-cold conditions using 80-90% of your 1RM.
Your Score
Unable to do it? If half of your training time is devoted to warming up your joints and blunting the pain and inflammation associated with dysfunctional movement, chances are your lifting technique needs a serious overhaul.
From: "T-Nation" website article ( 9/15/15 ): "12 Strength Tests that you must master"
Written by Joel Steadman
From: "T-Nation" website article ( 9/15/15 ): "12 Strength Tests that you must master"
Written by Joel Steadman