Monday, September 21, 2015

Assess your weaknesses: Strength Test # 1

Why Test Yourself?

Use these tests to find out more about your strength, athleticism, and overall muscle function. If you're able to pass a majority of these "checks and balances" with no problems, your chances of injury are slim, not to mention the fact that you're as strong as an ox.

Test 1 – RDL Posture

The Romanian Deadlift Test of Spinal Positioning will tell you if your posture is out of whack. Maintaining your posture during heavy lifting is the most important factor when it comes to strength training technique. Once spinal alignment is lost, everything else immediately deteriorates.
Without proper posture, your chance for injury increases, force production is compromised, and stimulation to the appropriate muscles is negated. It also limits your ability to set your shoulders and hips in their proper position, making it impossible to perform any movement correctly and safely.


Thoroughly warm up with progressive ramping. Load the bar with roughly 75-80% of your 1RM deadlift. Perform a few perfect RDL's while keeping a neutral spine throughout. See if you can pause near the bottom and keep your spine neutral.

Your Score

If you're unable to pause near the bottom (just before touching the floor) and keep your spine locked in, then you have no business using whatever weight you currently use on deadlifts. In fact, you probably lack the ability to set your spine and scapula on most heavy lifts, particularly axial loaded movements.
If this describes your situation, strengthen your entire back with plenty of rows, pull-ups, and RDLs with manageable loads. Work on hip mobility and build strength throughout the entire posterior chain. Most importantly, reinforce perfect posture and scapula positioning on all of your movements. You may even want to video yourself to assess posture. It'll be readily apparent when spinal positioning begins to degrade.

From: "T-nation website" titled: "12 strength tests you must master" by Joel Seedman